Fayette MHA
Highland MHA
Fayette/Highland Metropolitan Housing Authority
Highland MHA
Notice Of Public Hearing

A public hearing will be held, February 5, 2025, at 11:00 am in the Evelyn Pentzer Meeting Room, located at 103 E. East Street. Please join Executive Director, Tami Hinkley, and the Fayette Metropolitan Housing Authority Board of Commissioners as they will have copies of the PHA Annual and 5-year plan for review. If you have any questions, please contact Tami at 740-335-7525 or tami.hinkley@fayette-co-ohio.com.

Notice Of Public Meeting

A public meeting will be held, February 4, 2025, at 11:00 AM at Highland County Administration Building, in the downstairs large meeting room located at 119 Governor Foraker Place Suite 211. Please join Executive Director, Tami Hinkley and the Highland Metropolitan Housing Authority Board of Commissioners as they will have copies of the PHA Five Year plan for review. If you have any questions, please Contact Tami at (740) 335-7525 or tami.hinkley@fayette-co-ohio.com.

The Fayette Housing Authority will be having their regular meeting on March 11, 2025 at 2:30 in the Fayette Co. Commissioners Building 4th floor conference room.
The Highland Housing Authority will be having their regular meeting on April 17, 2025 at 2:30 at Highland County Board of DD at 8919 US Rte 50, Hillsboro, Ohio.
2025 Holiday Closing:

New Year's Day

Martin Luther King Day

President's Day


Labor Day

Veterans Day

Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving


Welcome to FMHA & HMHA

We serve the communities of both Fayette and Highland Counties in Ohio. The Purpose of (FMHA & HMHA) is to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing for the low-income families. In order to be eligible for our programs, there are income limits that cannot be exceeded, depending on your family size. (Income limits are subject to change annually.) See the Administrative Plan which incorporates the mission statements and policy procedures.

The Fayette Metropolitan Housing Authority Board meets quarterly on the second Tuesday in March, June, September, and December on the forth floor in the County Administration Building at 133 S. Main St, Washington C. H., Ohio.

The Highland Metropolitan Housing Authority Board meets twice per year in April and October at the Highland County Board of DD at 8919 Us Rte 50, Hillsboro, Ohio 45133.

The primary objectives of the FMHA & HMHA are:

  • To make public relations a priority.
  • To apply for Section 8 Existing monies from HUD upon invitation.
  • To provide assistance in daily living for low-income families, the disabled and the elderly.
  • To address the special housing problems of those disabled by developmental disabilities and or illness.
  • To cooperate with private contractors, private non-profit organizations, and property owners in planning and in developing new construction, rehabilitation, and/or housing assistance.
  • To consider programs that provide homes scattered throughout the community for low and moderate-income families as opposed to concentrated projects.
  • The FMHA & HMHA is further committed to carrying out the Existing Housing Program in the spirit intended by the United States Congress and HUD. To that end the FMHA shall not discriminate against any applicant or employee on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, familial status or national origin. It shall endeavor to perform its duties in the most effective, efficient professional manner possible, treating all persons with courtesy, respect and fairness.
View more details on our Administrative Plan